Tuesday, January 03, 2006

WIP Captive Hero - Day 3

Chapter One - second scene - Kayla's pov

Caution Possible Spoilers

I've been working on the second scene of Chapter One off and on today...had unexpected company coming to visit so I got sidetracked and have fallen behind already...grrr. Ahhh the life of a writer...

But I've managed to flesh out half of Kayla's opening scene where she's bound and gagged (can't say what else - cause of this banning from the blog possibility...LOL). She and Tayor are both captives and are now being transported on their way to meet the nasty Death Valley Boys...and we know how wicked those Death Valley Boys can be, don't we?

I shall continue the story hopefully tomorrow...



Blogger Sloane Taylor said...

Drooling here waiting to hear more. Especially on the bound and gagged. Ooooh the pictures you've created in my mind!

6:46 AM  
Blogger Sherrill Quinn said...

Jan, you naughty thing, you. :)

Can't wait to hear more.

6:51 AM  
Blogger Jan Springer, Erotic Romance Author said...

Sloane, girl! Keep that imagination roaring!!!

Sherrill! Naughty is my middle name...well I do have several others too. LOL.

Jan, off to do more writing

11:45 AM  

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